Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The internet is green

So far, the biggest issue I've observed here at the design studio is that the final product is usually determined by the demands/ needs of the client/user/consumer. The issue is how to make the demands of the client work with the creativity of the design agency, whcih seems very rudimentary but I just had to point it out because it's what makes this job so exciting and challenging.

So, I've been doing a lot of research on the internet, mostly checking out websites to see what people are doing, taking notes and then sharing them with my boss and fellows. 
I've been starting my searches with It's a pretty helpful site, a lot of the work is already done for you with sites already neatly compiled for your viewing; I'd recommend giving it a look.

Anyhow, doing all this research made me realize again that there is so much of the same stuff going on out in the world, and the idea of making something new, newness, is kind of non-existent, almost. It's more about refreshing an idea, at least that's what my research has shown. As an artist/ designer, I am influenced so much by my environment and experiences that when I attempt to make something, I don't go for new, I pull thoughts, memories, receipts from the bottom of my purse, whatever reminded me of that thought to create, and I go from there. The interesting thing is that a lot of people out there have the same final products, but what brought them to that final product I'm sure was not the same thought or thought process and to me that's so interesting that we can end up in the same place by way of different routes, like driving on the freeway. I can take the 405 all the way to Santa Monica or I can take the 710 to the 90 and exit Lincoln-either way I go, I'm still going to end up in Santa Monica.

So in the end, we're just recycling-the internet is a "green" environment full of recycled thoughts and I love it(even though I don't really love the term "green").

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